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Catalog of persons
Mitvol Oleg Prefect of Northern administrative district of Moscow
He accuses everybody of corruption
Molchanov Yuri Former Vice governor of St Petersburg
Rumored to be architect of the vast web of corruption
Molchanov Andrey Member of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of...
He was forced to hiding in London
Mordashov Alexey General director of "Severstal group", Chairman of the...
He did not want to pay the alimony.
Morozov Sergey Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region
He got married in secret, but in the end the scandal broke
Morozov Oleg Russian State Duma Deputy
Mosionzhik Alexander Co-Owner Of Polymetal
Muravyov Andrey Former Co-Owner Of Sibirskiy Cement
Murov Andrei A Chairman of the board of PJSC “FGC UES”.
As is well known, the Federal Protective Service Director General Evgenii Murov succeed to "push" as the executor of the project the company FSK...
Murov Evgeny Head of Federal Protection Service of the Russian Federation
His main features are an infallible memory and extreme rigidity
Mutsoev Zelimkhan Russian State Duma Deputy
Nabiullina Elvira Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Nicknamed: German Gref's right-hand woman
Naryshkin Sergey Chairman of the State Duma
His wife was the richest of the wives of Kremlin officials
Navalny Alexey Position: Coordinator of "minority of the Union", a...
His actions look like a promotional event
Nemtsov Boris Co-chairman of Solidarnost political movement
He was thought to become Eltsin’s successor
Nersisyan Tigran The president of Borodino Group of companies
He does not live at the place of his official residence.
Nesterov Nikolay Chairman of the board of directors of Nizhegorodsky Oils...
All Russian officials came to rescue him
Nevzorov Alexander Former Russian State Duma Deputy
Nikitin Dmitry Director-general of Eurosib Group closed corporation
He became a millionaire after the assassination of his father
Nikolaenko Oleg Russian spammer
Nikolaev Konstantin Co-Owner Of Holding N-Trans
Nikolaev Mikhail Ex-Owner Of An Insurance Company Nasta
Nogotkov Maxim Owner of the network "Svyaznoy"
In February 2010, "Svyaznoy" has established a bank "Svyaznoy Bank".
Novinsky Vadim President of ZAO "Smart Holding"
His stepson presented himself as the son of the Petersburg governor
Nurgaliyev Rashid Deputy Secretary of the Security Council
His unemployed wife can be seen in the most expensive hotels
Oganesian Marat St Petersburg vice-governor on construction
Ex-owner of a Moscow fitness club and a good friend of two thieves-in-law, Eduard and Sergey Asatrian.
Okulov Valery Deputy Transport Minister of the Russian Federation
He is the son-in-law of Boris Yeltsin
Orlov Alexander Member of the Wimm-Bill-Dann Board of Directors
He was appointed director of Lianozovsky Dairy Plant by the decision of the Moscow City Hall
Papounidis Konstantinos Co-founder of Homertron Trading Ltd
He sold the assets of his boss to traiders
Patrushev Nikolai Chairman Of The National Anti-Terrorist Committee Of The...
He flew to Antarctica on the Mi-8
Pekhtin Vladimir Russian State Duma Deputy
Petrik Victor Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).
He loves to encroach on the regalia
Petrov Gennady Member of Malyshev OPG
He was called the leader of "Tambov-Malyshev"criminal association
Petrov Sergey Russian State Duma Deputy
Petrov Vladimir Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region
Vladimir Petrov is known as the author of many provocative statements.
Petrov Yuri State Duma Deputy of the VI convocation of the party...
According to the official declaration, Petrov and his wife received the revenue of more than 28.8 million rubles in 2011. The family owned a land...
Petrukhin Eduard First Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service
He works for thieves in law
Pevzner Simen Former owner of "Voskresenskie mineral fertilizers"
He has a foreign citizenship. Pevzner is often referred as a citizen of Israel and "half-citizen of Russia", although he lives in Vienna.
Pevzner Simon Former owner of Voskresenskiye mineralniye udobreniya
He covered up his fraud by hullabaloo
Piotrovsky Vladislav Former head of GUVD of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region ...
Pisarev Kirill Member of the board of PIK Group, Russia’s property...
He conceded his presidential post to a subordinate
Plastinin Sergey Co-Owner Of Wimm Bill Dann
Pleshakova Olga General Director Of
Pochinok Alexander Former member of the Federation Council representing the...
They called him Sasha the Vacuum Cleane
Podolsky Kirill Co-Owner Of
Polezhayev Leonid The Governor Of The Oryol Region
Pollyieva Jakhan Assistant To The President Of The Russian Federation
Polonskiy Sergey Former owner Mirax Group
He declared, "those who do not have a billion, can go to hell"
Ponomarenko Alexander Chairman of Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial...
He agreed on payment for "Oligarch" with Berezovsky