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Ignatova Marina Deputy of the State Duma of RF of the fifth convocation
She began her career as a modest chairman in the Podmoskovny ZhSK
Ignatova Ekaterina A Co-owner and Chairman of the Board of JSCB "International ...
Detail: Ignatova holds a 70% stake in "Kate" Company, which supplies to the "AvtoVAZ" (part of "Russian Technologies") automatic gear boxes for the...
Iliev Zarah Chairman of board of directors of OAO «Hotel Ukraine»
After purchase of "Ukraine" he began to take care of his reputation
Illarionov Andrey Former Aide to President Putin
He was called the founder of Russia's liberal model of development
Ilyasov Stanislav Head Of Federal Agency For Fisheries Of The Russian...
Ilyukhin Viktor Russian State Duma Deputy
Ilyumzhinov Kirsan President of the World Chess Federation (FIDE)
He played a game of chess with Colonel Gaddafi
Isayev Andrey Co-Owner Of Baltic Bank
Ishayev Viktor Presidential plenipotentiary in the Far Eastern Federal...
He controls power, business, and criminals
Iskuzhin Rudick Member Of The Federation Council
Ivanishvili Boris (Bidzina) The owner of the company «Rossiisky credit»
He financed the «orange» revolution
Ivanov Sergey Federation Council Member
His position as a senator could be sold for 1.5 million dollars
Izmestiev Igor Former member of the Council of Federation
He was charged with two terrorist acts and 14 murders