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Catalog of persons
Popov Konstantin Co-Owner Of The Corporation Incom
Popov Mikhail Co-Owner Of Novatek
Potapenko Valery Head Of Administration Of The Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Potapenko Igor Co-Owner Of The Holding Razgulya
Potapov Leonid President Of Buryatia
Pripachkin Yuri Co-Owner Of Akado
Prokofiev Alexasander Russian businessman, deputy of the State Duma of the VI...
According to official data, Prokopyev income for 2011 amounted to 234.4 million rubles.
Prokopieva Larisa Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO "Evalar"
From November 1, 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Evalar" (Biysk, Altai Territory).
Pronin Vladimir Co-Founder Of Genser
Protosenya Sergey Chief accountant and shareholder of Novatek gas company
The accountant who was taken down a peg or two.
Pulikovsky Konstantin Chairman of regional office of Just Russia political party ...
He was alleged to sell seats in parliament
Putin Vladimir Prime Minister
Pyatkin Dmitriy Co-Owner Of Alba Alliance Bank
Rakhimkulov Mikhail A Former Top Manager Of Gazprom
Rakhimov Ural Former Deputy of the State Assembly of Bashkortostan
He confronted with his own father
Rakhmetov Serik Principal Owner Of Globalstroy-Engineering
Rakitin Igor Head of St Petersburg city department of sanitation
Rakshin Alexander Co-owner of Maria Ra trading network
In 20 years he turned from a physical education teacher to a billionaire
Rashnikov Viktor Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Magnitogorsk...
Pensioners have accused him of fraud
Reiman Leonid Member of Svyazinvest Board of Directors
He was a party to a scandal more often than any other official of 2000s
Remsha Viktor Owner and chairman of the board of directors of Finam...
He gambled on a stock exchange violating all the rules
Rezvov Evgeny General director of Stroitelny trest
Rodin Vladimir Deputy of Russian Federation state Duma
Rodkin Sergey Managing the trading house "Molodezhniy", the founder of...
Member of the Board of Trustees of the church of St. Xenia of Petersburg. Master of Sports Candidate in ski jumping.
Rogozin Dmitry Deputy Prime Minister in the government of the Russian...
Licensed nationalist of the Kremlin
Roshchupkin Valery Head Of Rosselhoz
Rubanov Alexander Co-Owner Of Transneftservis-C
Rudnikov Vyacheslav Co-Owner Of R-Stile
Rudyak Julia Co-Owner Of Ingeokom
Rybakov Igor Co-Owner Of Technonikol
Rybkin Ivan The first speaker of the State Duma
''I am sorry for Russia since people like him rule over this country'', - his wife said.
Rydnik Yury Former President Of Baltoneksimbank
Rynska Bozhena Corrupt russian journalist and blogger
She wants to disfranchise the old-age citizens
Ryzhkov Vladimir Co-chairman of the Party of People's Freedom
He worked as a Chernomyrdin’s canvasser
Ryzhkov Nikolai Member Of The Federation Council
Sabirov Rostyam Co-Owner Of Silvinit
Sadovnichy Viktor Rector Of Moscow State University
Safin Marat Owner of the company Rodilla Investments Limited
He was suspected of stealing money from a top manager of LUKOIL
Samonov Alexander Founder Of The Kopeyka
Saprykin Alexander Co-Owner Of Nlmk
Sardarov Rashid The Owner Of South Ural Industrial Company
He invited Sir Elton John as a guest to his wife’s birthday party
Sarkisyan Arkady Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007), a ...
"... The investigators did not hide the fact that their main goal is to Sargsyan."