Euro "Otfutbolennye"

Russian national football team "brilliant" failed passing the European Championships. She was even lower than those of football "superpowers", Albania and Iceland!

Soccer Russia exploded in indignation. Not only exploded the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation headed by its head Vitaly Mutko, by the way, concurrently president of the Russian Football Federation!

"And so it happened - so we have the level of football. We have to work on it. I must admit it: today we have such a level that there is no top-level players. The objective situation is ", - quotes the Minister TASS.

A comprehensive response to the main sports functionary of the country! Who, if not he talk about the "objective situation" in Russian football, in which Mr Mutko in leadership positions for more than 10 years!

2 years ago at the 2014 World Cup is one of the best sports commentator Vladimir Stagnienko just live in the hearts cried out, "We need to develop children's and youth football, to play at a good level adult"!

After that, in the face of RFF Mutko I had to fall from the chair!

Children's football schools languish. Only in the last 10 years, their number more than 2 million dropped to 800! On the material and technical base walk sad jokes. There is a lack of any form, not even scored!

At the same time parents try to send their children to school football, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg! The monthly employment cost is not always wealthy people from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

What wonder that we do not appear their Messi and Ronaldo!

It is much easier to buy ready-made stars from abroad. Of course, for the fabulous price. As the amounts of wages Russia is far ahead of Europe all! In contrast to the national team games ...

Sports Minister and the head of Russian football at the same time publicly praises the current owners of the top clubs in the country. Miller, Giner, Fedun ... ..then there are those with whom happened and the current situation in the national sport number 1. And those whom Mr Mutko has repeatedly called his closest associates!

In this case Russia puts absolute records wages for foreign coaches. Hiddink, Advocaat, Capello was at the time employed for the tens of millions of euros per year! Results of these coaches are inversely proportional. Many were encouraged that, after a long break in the team now has its own instructor Leonid Slutsky. It was said that he would be able to give figures. And he took and failed.

But it did not call for the head of the Ministry of Sports and the RFU. Mutko after the failure at Euro said that he was not opposed to Slutsky continued to stand at the helm of the national team!

About the "preparation" for the native 2018 I did not speak and did not just lazy writing. Scandal on the scandal and the scandal chases. And with the construction of stadiums and training infrastructure. The "pipe" fly millions of foreign exchange money! Ministry of Sports and its head at the same time assured that everything goes according to plan!

Olympic doping "records"

But football "results" Vitaly Mutko - it is only "flowers". A "berries" will come in a month. When will the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

By the decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Games are not admitted teams on track and weightlifting. And while the part in question the whole of the Russian delegation. This disgrace of world sport in its history did not know!

The reason - the indiscriminate use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Meldonium bail us?

Earlier this year, a huge scandal erupted with the use of Russian athletes meldonium drug.

Because of the positive samples were removed at meldonium several Russian athletes. Let not some second-rate, and the stars of world scale. One has only to look at this brilliant list. Tennis player Maria Sharapova, skater Ekaterina Bobrova, skater Paul Pavel Kulizhnikov, short trekist Simon Yelistratov, volleyball player Alexander Markin, biathlete Eduard Latypov and players of Russian national rugby Alyona and Alexei Mihaltsovy.

Also positive were doping tests Russian national players in rugby-7 Alyona and Alexei Mihaltsovyh.

Meldonium was officially banned from January 1, 2016. But the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) informed about all the sports ministry of the world in September 2015 th!

But despite this the athletes continued to stuff yourself with this stimulant. Why? Because the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation is not informed in time about the new federal ban?

At the same time Minister of Sport Mutko all questions gave "comprehensive" response. Like, a notification by WADA in Russia it is very late!

It is not without irony noticed many sports experts, the head of Ministry of Sports personified is the conventional adage: "Spit in the eye - God's dew."

unsportsmanlike walking

Earlier, the sports world has shaken the history of doping in the legendary Mordovian school race walking. For the use of illicit drugs was followed by suspension of star Russian walkers Olga Kaniskina, Sergei Kirdyapkin Valeria Borchina, Sergey Bakulin Vladimir Kanaikina. All of them are Olympic champions.

Now the IOC decides on the withdrawal of walkers Olympic medals.

The fact that the use of doping in the sport for a long time took the Russian endemic, no doubt, no sane person.

And for this outrage is supervising sports structure called the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation!

Leaked to the medals?

The former head of Moscow's anti-doping laboratory Rodchenkov Gregory argues that during the Olympic Games in Sochi dozens of Russian athletes, including gold medalists, had used doping.

According Rodchenkova he personally developed three blends of illicit drugs, which then shunt athletes in alcohol - whiskey men and women in the martini. In addition, he argues that security officials substitute doping tests of athletes.

Rodchenkov said that for this purpose in the wall of the room where the urine samples were stored, made a hole as wide as the palm, through which security officials handed a jar of urine in a secret laboratory in the neighborhood. They collected urine changed in the six months before that.

According Rodchenkova, about 100 have been tampered with doping tests. Rodchenkov claims that a list of samples for substitution received from the representative of the Russian Ministry of Sports.

Among others there were the names of the alleged bobsledder Alexander Zubkov and Alexander Legkova skier. Both began in Sochi Olympic champions!

Rodchenkov claims that the operation was designed to trifles, and sample substitution system worked "like a Swiss watch." He also admitted that for years has developed the right mixture of illicit drugs, sometimes experienced them myself.

Previously, the use of doping by the Russian Olympic team said a former employee of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) Vitaly Stepanov

"You Mutko"?

If the Russian athletes will be barred from the Olympics, the ashes will go grueling training and invested billions of rubles treasury to prepare for the main event of the 4 th anniversary.

Then Vladimir Putin has not exactly tell flown apart once nationwide phrase: "Good Mutko!".

And removing from office the Minister may not be enough. For violation of the law - it is the competence of very serious bodies. Against which no dope will not help.
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