I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Gorelov Dmitry Member of the Board of Directors of Vyborg Shipyard

He was called Putin's business partner.

Dobrov Andrey Private investor

He sold his billion-dollar asset for a dumping price

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia

He urged Russians to "wash their boots in the Indian Ocean"

Zayonts Alexander Co-owner of Domashniy Intetier LLP

He often changes partners

Islamov Victor President of Petrotek Holding

He was lucky to have an army fellow

Kostin Andrey President of VTB Bank

His banks caught in dubious scams

Lavrov Sergey Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

He writes poetry and likes to sing to the guitar

Lebedev Leonid Owner Of Sintez Group

He swithed from vinyls to oil wells

Levitsky Nikolay Member of the board of Geotech Holding, oilfield...

He has tried to seize the natural recourses of the Komi Republic

Vyugin Oleg Chairman of MDM Bank Board of Directors

Theft is legal

Mutko Vitaly Minister Of Sport, Tourism And Youth Policy

In Vancouver he had 5 breakfasts a day

Nurgaliyev Rashid Deputy Secretary of the Security Council

His unemployed wife can be seen in the most expensive hotels

Pulikovsky Konstantin Chairman of regional office of Just Russia political party ...

He was alleged to sell seats in parliament

Sabadash Alexander Owner of Vyborg pulp and paper mill

Former Russia’s vodka tycoon

Safin Marat Owner of the company Rodilla Investments Limited

He was suspected of stealing money from a top manager of LUKOIL

Uchitel Sergey Co-chaiman of the Bar Association Regionservice

Raider-in-law with extensive experience

Strukov Konstantin Co-Owner Of Yuzhuralzoloto

He was accused of incompetent leadership

Yastrzhembsky Sergei Co-founder of the non-commercial partnership “Vremena Goda”

A servant of all masters

Yakimenko Vasily Former Head of Federal Agency on Youth Affairs of the...

He does not think that "sex with minors is wrong"

Shchyogolev Igor Minister Of Communications And Mass Media of Russia

Expensive hotels are his rave