I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Bespalikov Alexey Member of the Federation Council of RF

He was accused of supporting a bandit clan

Boyko Vasily Head of Vash Finansoviy Popechitel company

He is in debt to Chechen militants

Boos Georgy Former Governor of Kaliningrad region

He was nicknamed Mandarin

Borodin Andrey President Of The Bank Of Moscow

He was a banker for Russia`s richest woman

Buriak Dmitriy President of Health Tech Corporation

He has profiteered from Coca-Cola’s troubles

Bushmin Evgeny Member of the Federation Council

Moneyed senator lobbying for the Ministry of Finance

Vikulov Vadim Owner of Aston Group

For two years his wife did not know that he was married to another woman.

Voloshin Alexander Chairman of the board of directors of Uralkali JSC

He was called the second Korzhakov to President Yeltsin

Darkin Sergey The Primorsky Krai Governor

Confidant of Nemtsov and Putin

Dobashin Alexey KROST CEO

He has connections in the FSB

Dobrov Andrey Private investor

He sold his billion-dollar asset for a dumping price

Dunayev Vladimir Magnezit board chairman

He began his career collecting scrap metal

Zhukov Yuri Former chairman of the board of PIK Group, property...

Moscow flats and a country were taken away from him, because he was in debt

Zayonts Alexander Co-owner of Domashniy Intetier LLP

He often changes partners

Izmestiev Igor Former member of the Council of Federation

He was charged with two terrorist acts and 14 murders

Illarionov Andrey Former Aide to President Putin

He was called the founder of Russia's liberal model of development

Jordan Boris President of Sputnik Investment Group

He was called the right hand of Soros

Iorich Vladimir Private investor

Putin decided to save Mechel, thanks for him

Kazmin Andreyilyich Former President of Savings Bank of the Russian Federation...

He lived openly with his mistress without getting divorced.

Kasperskaya Natalya Director-general of InfoWatch company

She grabbed a half of her husband's business