I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Kuznetsov Alexei Former Minister of Finance of Moscow Region Government

Kuznetsov’s participation in financial frauds came out in 1996. That time Kuznetsov held the post of vice president in Inkombank. American...

Bullock Janna Owner of the group of companies RIGroup

Janna Bullock and her husband, the ex-Minister of Finance of Moscow Region Alexey Kuznetsov got involved in a scandal first in the end of 1990....

Krupchak Vladimir Plenipotentiary representative of the shareholders of "Kiev ...

Accused of misappropriating state funds

Dzhabrailov Umar President of the

Accused of contract killing

Polonskiy Sergey Former owner Mirax Group

He declared, "those who do not have a billion, can go to hell"

Chichvarkin Evgeniy Former co-owner of GC

He came out of "Just Cause"

Kusnerovich Mihail Member of the Board of Directors of Bosco di Ciliegi

the King Bosco discredited Hermitage

Berezovsky Boris Entrepreneur

He has 10 charges brought against him

Ismailov Telman ACT Group Leader

Luzhkov called him a brother

Christoforov Leonid One of leaders of Malyshev criminal group.

He adjusted the weapon for Starovoytova’s murder.

Galchev Philaret Chairman of board of directors of OAO «Eurocement Group»

He appeared in the center of social explosion

Fedun Leonid Vice-President of OAO "LUKoil"

He bought a ticket for Croatia team to EURO 2008

Bolloev Taimuraz Chairman of the board of BTK development

He organized a corporate blackmail

Palihata Vladimir President of ZAO

He was accused of forcible takeover

Chigirinskiy Shalva Entrepreneur

He had a quarrel with the first couple of Moscow

Matvienko Sergey CEO of ZAO “VTB-Development”

He wanted to live in Robin Hood castle

Petrik Victor Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).

He loves to encroach on the regalia

Gryzlov Boris Chairman of the Supreme Council of the party

He called Stalin an eminent statesman

Onishchenko Gennady Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia

He regularly accused of lobbying

Yeghiazaryan Ashot Russian State Duma Deputy

He paid for the footege of `a man similar to the prosecutor general`