I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Gabdrakhmanov Ildar Deputy of the State Duma

In October 2000 Ildar Gabdrakhmanov came in the sight of media for the first time. The newspaper "Business Petersburg" published his name in...

Hajiyev Magomed Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation

He was called "Mongrel of a dollar"

Kusnerovich Mihail Member of the Board of Directors of Bosco di Ciliegi

the King Bosco discredited Hermitage

Gref Herman Sberbank RF, chairman of the board

His opponent was found shot at head

Michelson Leonid CEO, Chairman of the Board of OAO “NovaTEK”.

Thanks to special relations with Gazprom, he gets lucrative contracts

Yuzhilin Vitaly Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

He is called as the owner of Petersburg port

Usoyan Aslan Thief-in-law

He is named a king of an organized crime

Melnichenko Andrey Chairman of the board of OAO “Eurokhim”

President Lukashenko called his proposal inadequate

Kobzon Joseph Singer

Accused of communications with «Russian mafia»

Mironov Sergey Former Speaker of the Federation Council, Chairman of the...

He tried to legalize euthanasia

Skoch Andrey Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

He is named as the richest deputy

Reznik Vladislav State Duma Deputy

He was pursued by the Spanish police

Aladushkin Alexander Chairman of the Board of Investment and Financial Group...

It was written about him in connection with the murders and businesses capturing

Zhidkikh Vladimir Member of the Federation Council

He was determined to quell institutions of local government

Maevsky Leonid The owner of Sigma Capial Partners

A communist who behaves like a profiteer

Mitin Sergei Governor of the Novgorod region

He shot fishermen for the fun of it

Rudyak Margarita Co-owner of Ingeokom Group

She couldn’t put up with his husband’s affair

Rudyak Ernest Co-owner of Ingeokom Group

Left university in America to do business in Russia

Slipenchuk Mikhail Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the...

He likes noisy orgies

Yastrzhembsky Sergei Co-founder of the non-commercial partnership “Vremena Goda”

A servant of all masters