I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Navalny Alexey Position: Coordinator of "minority of the Union", a...

His actions look like a promotional event

Andreev Pavel co-owner of “LEK” and “Makromir”

He loves luxury

Rogachev Andrey Co-owner of X5 Retail Group

He carried off boxes with documents by himself

Girda Alexander Co-owner of X5 Retail Group

He opened the shop to pay off debts

Kosogov Andrey Chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Asset Management

He started his career by selling vouchers

Abasov Symbat Thief within the law

He was addicted to drugs

Abdushelishvili Georgy Senior Partner at Ward Howell International

Clients seldom come to him for the third time

Abramovich Boris KrasAir CEO

He was an active player in hostile takeovers

Antipov Yuri Ariant co-owner

He made his fortune at the expense of his compatriots’ health

Belotserkovsky Boris Co-owner of Ivenko

He started with gambling business

Bogachev Аlexey Owner of Sistema bank

He was denied credit

Boos Georgy Former Governor of Kaliningrad region

He was nicknamed Mandarin

Buriak Dmitriy President of Health Tech Corporation

He has profiteered from Coca-Cola’s troubles

Goncharuk Aleksandr Chairman of the board of oil company Bashneft JSC

Submarine officer who became a figurehead

Gordeyev Alexey Governor of Voronezh region

He is sent greetings from Matrosskaya Tishina prison

Davidovich David Owner of Prodo Group (meat processing)

A copycat good fellow

Dobashin Alexey KROST CEO

He has connections in the FSB

Dobrov Andrey Private investor

He sold his billion-dollar asset for a dumping price

Zabolotnov Roman Director general of Monetka retail chain

His company was ranked as untransparent

Zayonts Alexander Co-owner of Domashniy Intetier LLP

He often changes partners