I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


The pedophile sect operated under the “roof” of the FSB

“Victims and witnesses began to receive threats of physical harm”


A sect of pedophiles under the “roof” of the Directorate M of the FSB

The head of the Investigative Committee Bastyrkin took personal control of the scandalous case


Pedophile general Boripolk is preparing for trial

“A serious blow has been dealt to the pedophile lobby among the security forces”


"A well-known "major" from the Department "M" of the FSB, the son of the deputy head of government"

How a Ferrari agent and his father, a “KGB general” are “excused” from pedophilia


“All offenders will be “rolled up” by Management M”

Pedophiles from the "School of Astral Karate" under the wing of the FSB of the Russian Federation


“Here definitely not without Satan”

“All types of sexual relations were practiced, including with minors”


The son of General Boripolk, the many-faced agent of the FSB

“Weared in a road vest gave instructions to the security forces in masks”


School of astral karate, pedophilia and a bribe of 3.5 million dollars

"General Pangorus" and his son found an approach to the Deputy Prosecutor General


General Boripolk and the cult of sexual perversions

What did the hereditary pedophile like about the Deputy Prosecutor General?


350 kg of money are taken from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Central Bank

14 bags with 1 billion rubles ordered to return to the owners


Hitman-sniper set: galoshes and shaving cream

"If you don't listen to Traber, then people come with guns and go unpunished."


Interpol: “Lisovsky and Zosimov -main in the murder of Listyev”

The bloody list of Solntsevo and related businessmen announced


All Solntsevsky army

From thieves to lawyer Alexander Gofshtein


“Nobody will stop Delimkhanov”

New Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: Adam Delimkhanov and Ilya Traber


«Traber called Delimkhanov, and he has people with machine guns”

90s are back: How Petersburgers solve business conflicts


St. Petersburg in the fray: EPAP against Traber

As the president’s classmate’s bureau tried to send Antiquar


Thieves' Pantheon Solntsevo OPG

List of "thieves in the law" associated with the grouping of Mikhas


How a senior manager of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev makes money on the show "Stars on Ice"

"Clouds are gathering" more and more on one of the most controversial top-managers of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev. According to Rumafia.com, in the near future an investigation may be initiated upon him, as by the gas monopoly itself, as well as by law enforcement agencies.