I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


“We were waiting for the unfriendly head of the FSB to be replaced”

How security officers excuse their psychopath


The person who ordered the murder was cleared away by the Investigative Committee

How a mob murder was turned into a one-on-one fight


“Caucasus.RF is my wallet”

Georgy Boos at the distribution of kickbacks


How Lapukhin made Kavkaz.RF a “cash cow”

Key facilities on Elbrus are being built only on paper


Gimadiev cleans the meadow

"The FSB officer Gimadiyev has a goal - to control all the "state" flows of St. Petersburg and LO."


Millionaire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Stavropol gets rid of the mansion

Living in the house of Sergei Radionov costs 80 million rubles


Kuban United Russia official does not skimp on vacation

He writes down billions on a fictitious ex-wife and children


"Watch and enjoy the massacre"

How the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, Baranov, imprisoned the team of the “Police Ombudsman”


How the traffic police replaced the RPO "SBDD"

Clever tricks of General Viktor Kuznetsov


General's Golden Pistol

Subordinates gave the Minister a stolen criminal "barrel"


Bloody wars in football

How and for what they persecute players, coaches, officials, agents...


How Yanukovych's wallet is profiting in Russia.

Where did tens of billions go during the NWO in Ukraine?


Illusion called "United Russia primaries"

The technologies for organizing "victories" of the necessary candidates have been honed in the Kuban to perfection.


How the FSB hunted a secret agent of the SVR, but missed

“I will break your faith in myself and glorify you throughout Chechnya”


"Judge in Law"

How the FSB makes the leader of the organized criminal group out of the chairman of the court


Laundered money under agreements with Russian Railways JSC, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, GAZPROM

How the security forces covered the creators of the mega-"laundry"


“Gruzdev knows how to make offers that are impossible to refuse”

How the owner of Coffeemania and Narkomfin hid from the ex-governor in hotels, changing phones


The blanket was thrown from the gay lobby

The leader in family values ​​in the Moscow government turned out to be a participant in LGBT...


The whole truth about "Russia" and the clan of A.V. Grinev

The "second father" left the "throne" with the help of purchased drug police