I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


The Colonel will rewrite again

Where did the relatives of the deputy head of the UEBiPK of Moscow Yusupov get dozens of apartments worth more than 2 billion


The new head of AvtoVAZ fell under the testimony

The transport group of St. Petersburg spoke and surrenders patrons


How an employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation became a thief in law's security

The fate of the Chekist: Ded Hasan rejected it, and approached Tyurik and Mironchik


Stigma is where to put the

As head of the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Markin Russia develops gold


Mazepin "under nitrogen"?

The failure of the deal on the change of ownership "Togliattiazot" was involved host "URALCHEM"?


Mazepin plays against Russia

Owner "URALCHEM" trying to avoid prosecution, has teamed up with the enemies of Putin


Crimean-scam Chemezov Serdyukov

Sevastopol thieves robbed the workers of "Rostec"


Moldavian transit: as "Solntsevo" and "Podolsk" "sawing" Russia

The arrested banker Alexander Grigoriev - just the tip of the iceberg of a huge crime, and the scheme, which has already been named "Moldovan", successfully operating for decades.


Crime tailor Taymuraz Bolloev. Part 2

Relations Mr. Bolloev provided him with a comfortable life: at least 3 years his company has received 646 orders of government. "Criminal Russia" continues a series of articles supporting the inefficient use of budget funds, as well as the presence of criminal schemes embezzlement of budget by the management of JSC "BTK groups", and in particular Mr. Bolloev.


In the suburban headquarters ONF considered excessive government spending in the region thousands of rental cars for officials

Activists regional branch of the Popular Front in Moscow called wasteful administrative office of the governor of the Moscow region and the governments of the region more than 1.77 billion rubles. rental of almost 1 thousand. cars, write "News". At the same time similar expenses of the regional authorities in 2015 suggest that the officials are not going to save on avtoobsluzhivanii.


Katsyv left without a "roof"?

Vice President of Russian Railways Katsyv Peter could lose his job and get under investigation?


Amber Gold of Russia

Amber for a long time could become a brand in Russia. Do not become. Despite the fact that global stocks were thought to 2000s, they are mainly here, in the village of Amber Kaliningrad region. Today the share of reserves of amber in Russia has dropped to 50-60 per cent. Due to the discovery of new deposits in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, America, Italy, Colombia. Exploration and extraction of amber in other countries is carried out monstrous rate. The process is stimulated by the increased demand. A large fraction of "solar stone" at a price equal to that of gold. For example, for perfectly carved amber ball with a diameter of 50 mm in China can give 15 thousand dollars.


"Corrupt road" Timur Ivanov?

General Director of "Oboronstroy" Timur Ivanov became the hero of a major scandal. As it turned out, in the course of large-scale development in the Crimea, he was suspected of raider attacks and corruption.