I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


As Kasyanov and Friedman, the CPSU dachas shared

We publish the protocols of interrogations of the head of Alfa Group and ex-premier


Valechka returned

Yumashev in the Kremlin: from Yeltsin and Berezovsky to our days


MBSB Sergei Bazhanov "goes to the bottom"

Bank ex-senator lost the "roof" and is waiting for the revocation of the license


How the snipers are killed

We publish FSB materials about killers who eliminated politicians and businessmen in St. Petersburg


End of the Rogozin family contract?

How does Alexey Rogozin ride the career ladder?


Putin's friend eliminated a special squad of killers

Rucriminal.com names the performers of one of the most high-profile crimes. Part 4


Traces from the murder of Putin's friend led to the St. Petersburg port

The secret materials of the most notorious investigation. Part 3.


Traces of the murder of a friend of Putin led to the customs

The secret materials of the most notorious investigation. Part 2.


Why Lisovsky was not arrested for the murder of Listyev

Interpol considers deputy Andrei Skoch "the authority" of the Solntsevo OPG


Thieves' Pantheon Solntsevo OPG

List of "thieves in the law" associated with the grouping of Mikhas


Criminal mix of Fuchs and Khotimsky: From Russia to Ukraine

Part 2: From Moscow to Kiev. But with Russian money.


As Mikhail Fridman raises the economy of Ukraine

"Alfa-Bank" allocates funds, which then go to the battalion "Azov"


Yachts and Ferrari for the son of ex-head of FSO

An investigation is underway about the abuse of authority by the former first deputy chairman of the board of the Federal Grid Company (FGC), Valery Goncharov. The head of FGC UES, Andrey Murov, is still at large


The end of the "Aquarius" era, or the Protection of Glotzer

The Russian film producer and businessman Yuri Glotser initiated the bankruptcy of his own company, ...


The financial "pollutions" of Minister Donskoy

The General Prosecutor's Office is extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. According to the supervisory authority, ...


The ideological springboard threw Sobyanin high upstairs, but by now he has decayed completely. "Stole the smart - stole the polar" brought a dip for 30

The Presidium of the General Council of United Russia decided to close 10 party projects in connection with the ...


"Danke shyon" for bread is not namazhesh

The head of Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankvert, was caught in a conflict of interests. Fighters against corruption from ...


The Return of the Agrarian Witch

Elena Skrynnik, who has launched millions of peasants around the world, does not give up attempts to get into the confidence in ...


Bryksin in the "legal", "drinking bout"

The oligarch and MP "Bank" at the expense of others?


"Extortioners" a lie

United Russia deputy Yuri Ivlev was involved in a multibillion-dollar theft in the Holding Energostrakh. ...