I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Palihata Vladimir President of ZAO

He was accused of forcible takeover

Tyagachev Leonid Former president of the Russian Olympic Committee

He is suspected of contract killing

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


Testimony that made the siloviki millionaires

How the materials on the "customers" of the murders committed by the Dzhako organized criminal...


How they hunted for the secret treasury of bankers

"FSB officer" cemented in a barrel


A series of murders led to a common fund in Switzerland

Reveals the secret of high-profile reprisals against bankers


“This is the money of Russian Railways and the mafia. It will not seem enough to anyone "

Uncovering the motives behind the mysterious murders of bankers and their families


"They put the corpse in a barrel and shoveled with a solution of shovels"

Moscow Canal made a mass grave for murdered bankers