I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Hapsirokov Nazir Owner of Mosnatsbank, Assistant to Head of Presidential...

Prosecutors called him an agent of the Kremlin

Orlov Dmitry Co-owner of Vozrozhdeniye bank

He laundered communists’ money

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


The whole banking mafia

What were the main market participants in the "laundering" of billions


The pop star and the whole banking mafia

Sitnikova, Paramonova, Olkhovsky, Dvoskin, Myazin and others


Eugene Dwoskin, shady banker number 1

Bird, Red, Pasha helicopter, Yevgeny Giner, Alexander Babakov and everything about the world of Russian "cashing"


The person involved in the old cases of embezzling $ 100 million has been detained

Investigation Committee announced the arrest on 43-year-old businessman Konstantin Koloyan in Moscow. He was a defendant in a notorious criminal case more than a decade ago.