I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

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Zayonts Alexander Co-owner of Domashniy Intetier LLP

He often changes partners

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Billionaire Berezin's family sets its sights on the West

Transplanting competitors and capturing the construction and medical waste market


“The powerful FSB general helps the “Serpukhov Khan”.

Alexander Shestun about the "moth" of the head of the security service of the President of the Russian Federation


Gennady Onishchenko - "Godfather phaser" Pirates of the pharmaceutical RIA Panda?

Gennady Onishchenko, has received strong slap in the face - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reprimanded his assistant. It is stated that he had violated Article 18 of the Law on the State Civil Service Law, which, among other things, prohibits state employees to take actions "related to the effect of any personal or property (financial) and other interests that impede the conscientious performance of official duties."