I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Prokhorov Mikhail President of ONEXIM

He was born in the right family

Potanin Vladimir Owner of

Ex-employees of special division "Alpha" work for him

Abyzov Mikhail Chairman of Board of Directors of RU-COM group

He was dismissed from the University for poor progress

Khloponin Alexander Deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation

Took part in homosexual orgies

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


Russian officials and the mafia under the hood Interpol

Rucriminal.com published a secret report about gangsters, government representatives and officials from the Russian Federation


The Plot Thickens

Whoever Owns Nets.com Has Found A New Way To Mess With Mikhail Prokhorov


The Plot Thickens

Whoever Owns Nets.com Has Found A New Way To Mess With Mikhail Prokhorov