I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Altushkin Igor Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of Russian...

He was copped in international fraud

Tynkovan Alexander President of M.Video, retail home appliances and...

He kept in secret the size of his stake in M.Video

Tetyukhin Vladislav Shareholder and board member of VSMPA-AVISMA

He has been compared to Stalin

Tarasov Andrey Owner of Tsentrokredit bank

He was nearly robbed of 3 billion rubles

Tukhtayeva Irina A business woman and a wife of Leonid Tukhtyaev, a...

She wants to make money on Rublyovka road

Tukhtyaev Leonid Со-holder and a chairman of board of directors of...

His wife wants to make money on Rublyovka road