Certainly the most professional killer in the history of the Russian underworld is Sherstobitov Alex, nicknamed Alex Soldier. He reports directly to the leaders of the walnut-Medvedkovo criminal group. First, the former employee of KGB of the USSR Grigory Husyatyn (North Greene). And when Alex Soldier held that Husyatyn a threat to his family, then kill him with a shot from a sniper rifle in a Kiev hotel. After that, follow the instructions Sherstobitov became the new leader of OPG - Dust Brothers.


Fulfilling orders Greaney, dust and Sergey Timofeev (Silvestr- founder Orekhovskaya OPG, killed in 1994), Alex Soldier eliminated dozens of people. Among them are respected athlete Otari Kvantrishvili businessman Joseph Glotser, authority, leader of one of the teams Medvedkovo Igor Jurkov (BoA). Based on the thriller "The Jackal" Sherstobitov organized the attack on the President of JSC "Russian gold" Alexander Tarantseva. At the last office was established with a special car plant, equipped with a gun "Kalashnikov, which can be controlled at a distance.


Of the many killers 90s Lesha Soldier allocated intelligence and the ability to hide the traces. For each scenario, the crimes were developed with dressing, tossing another's butts and other "evidence". In the face of a killer known only to a number of the leaders of organized crime groups, the general meeting grouping Sherstobitov come in make-up, including a false beard. For a long time, investigators believed that Alex Soldier - this is a myth. The crimes committed by different members of organized crime groups, was credited with a certain one invented the killer, who has not been seen in the eye. To retire and not get caught, Sherstobitova, as often happens in such cases, it puts the love of his life.

Alexei devoted himself to this girl whole chapters of their books. She is one of the heroines of the series "Gang", is based on Sherstobitova life. But Alexei himself, not different media never called her name. It mentions only that she was a very famous TV presenter. Rucriminal.com resets "mask" and reveals the mystery of the beloved killer number 1. It is the leading program "Vremechko" Authors and television Natalia Kozachenko. So she looked, shortly after meeting with Leshoy Soldier.


The girl was 18 years old, she studied journalism at Moscow State University and worked as a secretary in one of the firms. Its owner came "milked" Orekhov, and as an accompaniment was Sherstobitov. While bosses "spud" businessman Alex Soldier flirting with his secretary Natalia. Their relationship grew into a novel longer than 15 years. Young people used to live together, then parted "forever". Sherstobitov often disappear for months, due to the specifics of their profession.

Once, during one of the long disappearance of Alexei, Natalya twirled another novel. And again her "hero" has become a leader bandit- Kurgan OPG Andrew Kolegov.

The case went to the wedding celebration has been planned. But then he showed up and actually stole Sherstobitov nevestu- took the girl from Russia.

         After the "defeat" operatives Orekhovskaya OPG, one of its leaders, and could not have imagined that Alex Soldier too will fall. And indeed he was twist family nest with Natalia, she gave him a daughter. In most girls at that time there was a serious career. It has long been leading the popular program "Vremechko". As an editor produced the program "Faith Hope Love" (RTR), "Family passions" (Ren-TV), "People want to know" (TV Center), "Traditional gathering" (RTR), "Chance," a reality show ( TNT), "With all my heart. 20 years later" (TV Center), "Vremechko" (TVTsentre), "political kitchen" (TVTsentre). He was the head of the daily news and entertainment program "Extra" (DTV). She took off a series of documentaries.

Idyll ruined Kolegov, serving a large period of the colony. He summoned detectives and decided pootkrovennichat. Kurgan leader said that he met with the girl, Natalia, which he parried a secret killer Orekhov Lesch. And he remains at large. By the way, after these revelations Kolegov lived long. According to the official version, he hanged himself in prison.

Operatives have established observation and Kozachenko interested in her civilian husband. He felt the surveillance, but did not have time to get away. Sherstobitova had to visit his father who is in hospital. When he arrived there, he was arrested by detectives, and then sentenced to a long term. Wait for it Natalia did not. She twisted romance with one of the investigators, at the time to develop Lesha Soldier. Sam Sherstobitov colony played a wedding with another girl.