Moscow-born Israeli businessman Arkady Gaydamak is contented with the victory in the Paris Court of Appeal over Angola-gate affair. He adds that he is ready to prove his innocence before the court in the case of alleged non-filing tax return in 1994.

On April 29 the Paris Court overturned the 2009 verdict, which convicted Arkady Gaydamak, former French interior minister Charles Pasqua and French businessman Pierre Falcone of illegal traffic of Soviet Arms from France to Angola during the civil war. Having examined the case, the Court ruled to cut down the jail terms. Now Gaydamak does not face 6 years in prison.

Gaydamak says: «I was indicted on 6 counts, including arms trafficking. I have been cleared of all charges». He added that the court turned down «very offemsive» charge of buying the Order of the Legion of Honour which Gaydamak received for helping to set free French pilots in Bosnya.

The court also found Gaydamak guilty of tax evasion and sentenced him to 3 years in prison and 150 thousand euros fine. The businessman is ready to appeal and prove his innocence. Gaydamak says: «Indeed I did not file tax return in that year. But by that time I had already worked in different place and did not even dwell in France».